Contributors to MuscleHealth

A number of factors contribute to overall MuscleHealth.  Many of these factors are modifiable – i.e. they can be impacted by lifestyle behaviors. Awareness of such factors – and how to best deal with them – will optimize MuscleHealth. Stress: High levels of...

Award Winning Technology

We’re excited to share with you that Orthopedics This Week has named MuscleSound a winner of the BEST New Sports Medicine Technology of 2017! Only ten companies won this prestigious award, and we’re honored to be in this elite group. A panel of surgeons judged...

Monitoring Rookie Energy Levels throughout the NFL Season

Background: During the season this rookie has consistently maintained a high level of muscle energy readiness (as per the chart below). However post training on a particular Friday, he has scored an overall muscle energy value of 53 (teal colored) which is in the...