Along with our new scoring comes a new set of terms. Estimated Fuel Level (EFL) which is one of two elements (together with Muscle Fuel Rating) that makes up we call Muscle Energy Status (MES). Overview The ‘fuel’ that muscles use for exercise is predominantly made up...
Our new scoring system comes with a new set of terms. Muscle Fuel Rating (MFR) is one of two elements (together with Estimated Fuel Level) that make up what we call Muscle Energy Status (MES). Overview The ability to compare (rate) an individual’s Muscle Fuel score...
Our new scoring system comes with a new set of terms: Muscle Fuel Symmetry (MFS) also makes a contribution to overall Muscle Health. Overview Differences in strength and power levels between corresponding left and right-sided limbs have been reported in athletes of...
MuscleSound Chief Science Officer Dr. Wayne Phillips discusses what Muscle Quality is and why it’s important in his latest blog post on US News & World Report. Read the full article here. Hint: There’s more to strong, powerful muscles than what meets...
Additional coverage in, Fire Engineering, and Military1 Denver-Based Health and Technology Company Offering Cutting-Edge Ultrasound Technology to Aid First Responders, Including Firefighters, Police Officers and Members of the Military DENVER – Jan....