Chief Science Officer Dr. Wayne Phillips offers Stack Magazine 5 Tips for Tackling Muscle Soreness Muscle soreness happens not only to first-time exercisers, but also to athletes and regular exercisers if they significantly increase the intensity and/or duration of...
MuscleSound is excited to have Mona Milton be part of the team. She’s a Denver native who’s always been a fitness fanatic. She works out at least 5 days a week because she loves the body, mind, and health benefits. The love for fitness and sport attracted her to...
MuscleSound Partners with e3 Fitness to Maximize Performance Club Industry Athletic Business Colorado Tech Weekly Denver Companies Collaborate to Bring Cutting-Edge Ultrasound Technology to Measure Body Composition, Unlock Full Muscle Potential DENVER—Nov. 17,...
Chief Science Officer Dr. Wayne Phillips discusses the pros and cons of Body Composition measurement methods in his latest post in US News & World Report Eat + Run Blog. Read it here.