MuscleSound assessments can help gauge when a player is ready for activity and when additional recovery tools are needed before a competition. History: An MLS player was experiencing considerable hamstring tightness from a game two days prior. MuscleSound Analysis:...
Background: During the season this rookie has consistently maintained a high level of muscle energy readiness (as per the chart below). However post training on a particular Friday, he has scored an overall muscle energy value of 53 (teal colored) which is in the...
MuscleSound is excited to announce our new assessments – focused evaluations guided by our users’ wants and needs. Our technology offers two main sources for our measurements: Muscle Fuel and Body Composition. However, we now have the mechanisms to properly use...
MuscleSound is excited to announce our Check Readiness assessment – a mechanism to properly use our Muscle Energy Status measurement. We can now help the end user know exactly what they are looking for and when a change has happened. Two of the most powerful...
MuscleSound worked with an MLB player over the course of two games to review his muscle depletion and recovery. Background: The player was tired from both an extra-innings game the previous night and travel. MuscleSound Intervention: As this analysis was close to game...