Background: This MLB player started using MuscleSound in 2016. The use in this case was particularly tracking fuel levels during bouts of travel. Each red ‘alert’ status coincides with fatigue and stresses due to a quick turn-around in games (night to day) or late...
This NBA basketball team began working with MuscleSound® technology in 2014. They specifically were interested in optimizing performance and reducing injury recovery time so players could return to play quicker. The team spent 62% less on salaries paid to injured...
This NFL football team began working with MuscleSound® technology in 2014. They specifically were interested in understanding optimal performance strategies and shortening injury recovery time. The team spent 61% less on salaries paid to injured players due to soft...
Background: The team’s coaches sought the Muscle Energy Status and performance breakdown of each of cyclist during training camp. MuscleSound® Intervention: Testing was performed on each athlete pre and post training sessions each week. A number of athletes had...
Injury Recovery Management Background: A cycling team’s coaches sought the status and performance breakdown of each of cyclist during training camp. MuscleSound® Intervention: Testing was performed on each athlete both pre and post training sessions each week. A...