We’re happy to have Erika Simon on The MuscleSound Team. Read all about her position within the organization: Denver Business Journal Athletic Business
Our Chief Science Officer Dr. Wayne Phillips shares his views in U.S. News and World Report on why eating good carbs matters. Read the entire article here!
A Division 1-A College Football team began working with MuscleSound® technology in 2013. They specifically were interested in utilizing proper training and nutrition techniques to support peak performance. The team observed a 60% decrease in soft tissue injuries....
How Do Low Carb Diets Affect Performance? In previous articles we have seen how crucial appropriate carbohydrate intake is for optimal performance. Another way of demonstrating this is by looking at the opposite situation. In other words, how low carbohydrate diets...
Great interview with MuscleSound President, Andy Jackson in Sports Wearable. Find out what Andy’s thoughts are on the future of tech in the health industry here.