Andy Jackson Profiled in Idea Mensch

Idea Mensch profiles entrepreneurs who share their ideas, experiences, habits and failures, and currently features more than 2,000 interviews. Read their latest interview with MuscleSound CEO Andy Jackson here. “Help people. Help your team, your family, your...

MuscleSound in Endurance Athletes: Nutrition

Intro: MuscleSound and the CU Sports Medicine and Performance Center work in tandem to create a unique experience for patients and athletes to help understand more about their Muscle Energy Status™ (MES) and their body composition, both of which lead to performance...

What MuscleSound Does

“MUSCLESOUND® provides immediate and actionable information that will enable an individual to unlock the body’s full potential to improve overall health.” We do this by ‘looking inside your muscles’ and taking informed action on what we see related to your Muscle...
MuscleSound in Physical Therapy – Muscle Symmetry

MuscleSound in Physical Therapy – Muscle Symmetry

Background: An older injury to the sciatic nerve had caused a muscle imbalance in the patient. An initial scan on his off day on 1/15/16 showed significant energy status differences between his right and left legs.   MuscleSound Intervention:  After discussing...

Employee Spotlight: Mona Milton

MuscleSound is excited to have Mona Milton be part of the team. She’s a Denver native who’s always been a fitness fanatic. She works out at least 5 days a week because she loves the body, mind, and health benefits. The love for fitness and sport attracted her to...