Understanding Muscle Energy Status (MES) MES: A combined value made up of Estimated Fuel Level and Muscle Fuel Rating. A fully fueled and well-rated muscle is at a high (green) Muscle Energy Status, and is then at optimal readiness for performance. The above MES...
The body is composed of water, protein, minerals, and fat. A two-component model of body composition divides the body into a fat component and fat-free component. Body fat is the most variable constituent of the body. The total amount of body fat consists of essential...
MuscleSound assesses ‘Muscle Energy Status’ (MES) – a source of muscle energy production that is composed of muscle glycogen and associated muscle fluid. Research has shown that there are best practices and guidelines as to WHEN to measure Muscle Fuel to get the...
SGB Media talked to the MuscleSound team and Rockies Head Athletic Trainer about readiness and performance. For the past five years, Denver-based MuscleSound has given Colorado Rockies Head Athletic Trainer Keith Dugger the inside scoop on his players’ performance....
Background Skinfold protocols were first developed back in the 1970s because of the need for a simple and inexpensive method of assessing body composition. The procedure involves measuring the thickness of folds of skin and fat at various body locations. These...